Bee a part of the HUNI Hive

We hope you are here to join our hive ~ we know the honey drew you in!

We welcome you to a very wonderful community. Here is a brief introduction to the neighborhood and Highland United Neighbors, Inc (HUNI pronounced “honey” - thus the bee in the logo), your neighborhood organization.
What is Highland? Highland is bounded by the South Platte River, Speer Blvd (with a jog at 29th to include Viking Park), Federal Blvd, 38th Avenue to Inca. It is home to more than 10,000 households and scores of businesses. HUNI is a 501(c)(3) volunteer organization committed to making Highland a better place to live, work, and play.
There are some great books about the neighborhood and its history, notably Rediscovering Northwest Denver: Its History, Its People, Its Landmarks,by Ruth Eloise Wiberg. Highland houses 3 historic districts (Potter-Highlands, Old Highland Business District, and W. 28th Avenue - Stoneman's Row). HUNI’s Planning and Community Development Committee provides guidance on zoning and development issues. Check out its brochure, especially if you are planning any renovations/changes to your property. It is a tad dated, but the procedures, etc. are still current.
We want you to be a part of our volunteer group - it is the perfect opportunity to:
Meet new people
Keep your "finger on the pulse" of what is happening in Highland
Creates an opportunity to play an active role in responsibly caring for your neighborhood where you live, work and play
A safe and creative way for your whole family to participate in community service
Get involved
HUNI is always looking for volunteers to help at events, as well as community members interested in joining the Board or a committee. We do trash pickup quarterly along designated Adopt-A-Streets. We spend 45 minutes on a Saturday and then convene at Method Coffee for a quick high five and go about our weekend. Reach out to us personally: to join up.
Street Cleaning - April to November, the 3rd week of the month, Tuesday-Friday. The city tickets, so move your car. To sign up for notifications, go to:
Trash days: If your trash day is the same as street sweeping, please put your trash/recycling, etc. on the other side of the street. If you want to get a green bin for your household and garden waste, sign up here or see if you can share with a neighbor.
Parking: Many of neighbors park on the street.As a courtesy, please leave the parking space in front of their house for them.
How do I find out what’s going on?
Read the North Star (delivered to your door monthly and online)
Sign up for the Bucket List
Get our bi-monthly newsletters:
Reach out personally:
Facebook: check out: Historic Denver Highland, Highland United Neighbors, Inc. (HUNI), HUNI Biz - Highland Businesses
The city is doing long-term planning that will impact Highland. You can learn more about it, sign up for updates, and see how to engage here.
HUNI Hour on the final Tuesday of the month - a great way to meet your neighbors and local businesses with drink and food specials, door prizes and more.
HUNIween (Halloween Parade)
4th of July Parade
Nearby City Resources